Sunday, April 5, 2009

Saturday Feast, Fresh Paneer...!

it's saturday and that usually means LOTS of food. today almost everything came from one of my favorite cookbooks, 1000 Indian Recipes
right after breakfast i made fresh paneer from milk and yogurt...

heat the milk...

when it barely starts to boil add the yogurt...

surprised cat...
starting to curdle...
into the cheesecloth...
hang to drain for a bit...
cheese is done...time to go shopping...back home with the bounty
get the moong dal going
a spicy lineup
sizzling chilis in mustard oil and water, ready for the greens
mustard greens!
ginger, cumin seeds, more chilis...for the paneer.
add more spices...!
tomatoes and cilantro
moong dal ready
everything ready! sorry. i skipped about 10,000 steps. oops!
so we ended up with rice with whole spices, moong dal with sizzling mustard seeds, red chilis and other spices, paneer with potatoes in a tomato and chili sauce, mustard grees (not pictured above), and shrimp in coconut milk with tamarind and mint leaves. this is the third time i've made that shrimp dish and it comes out different every time....for some reason the first time i made it was the best, but oh's always pretty good.

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