Friday, April 24, 2009

shrimp madras....

another simple fast weeknight favorite....shrimp madras. here's the recipe
less than authentic but pretty good and pretty easy.

chopped garlic, minced curry leaves (available at the park slope food co-op or any indian market, don't know where else you can get them...), garam masala, curry powder (currently using the food co-op curry powder)
add shrimps and oil and mix it up
this wine is delicious and cheap! drink it if you can find it! coconut milk mixed with tomato paste and a little hot sauce in the background
spiced shrimp into the hot pan for a bit...
chard sauteing in mustard oil (indian grocery again). not for too long, i like it crisp...
add coconut milk tomato past hot sauce mixture and keep cooking until it's just kind of a glaze. Season with salt and a little lemon juice...
and eat it...!

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